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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tinnitus - The 3 Top Reasons For the Ringing in Your Ears

The problems of Tinnitus can vary from one suffer to another, but the one common denominator is that everyone wants it to stop and stop now!

Since the most common symptom of Tinnitus is often brought on due to excessive long term exposure to loud noises, which causes damage to the inner ear, thus resulting in that 'ringing sensation', you should also be aware of a few other effects that can also trigger that sound you hear between your ears.

Earwax Build Up:

As nasty as it may sound, this is just another one of those often-overlooked causes by those who have Tinnitus. The reason why is because the excessive build up of ear wax actually has a negative impact on your hearing, in which it stops the vibration of your ear drum from sending positive signals or even sounds to the brain. These 'false positive' signals in turn become the often heard 'ringing', 'whizzing', or 'whistling' noises those who suffer from Tinnitus often describe the sound as.


Everyday medicine, either prescribed by a doctor or those purchased over-the-counter (OTC) have led to the oncoming of Tinnitus in some patients. Since every patient has a specific tolerance to Aspirin or aspirin-containing compounds, it's wise to check with your doctor to determine which medications you should avoid in reducing or offsetting your current Tinnitus. The reasoning is that even 300mg (milligrams) of aspirin could produce Tinnitus in one person, but this identical amount wouldn't even bother someone else.


Simple every day things that we often take for granted, such as our stress level, diet, and household appliances (vacuums, hair-dryers and lawn mowers) can actually worsen your tinnitus condition. While most who suffer from this condition find it annoying, they learn to adapt without difficulty. It is likely that if you have had tinnitus, you will have it again in the future.

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