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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Eating Disorders and Neuroplasticity

Eating Disorders have long been associated with emotions and obsessive thinking. Counseling, behavior modification and nutritional education has been the traditional method of treating these sometimes fatal disorders. Research preformed by Husseini Manji, M.D. director of the mood and anxietydisorders research program at the National Institute of Mental Health(NIMH), suggests that Neuroplasticity could cure eating disorders and other mental health disorders by using a method called "Directed Neuroplasticity" The process contradicts the assumption that emotions and thoughts associated with those emotions are fixed and behavior is destined to repeat itself.

Neuroplasticity will allow the brain to change itself affecting the way it; thinks, its perceptions, the way it responds to situations and behavior. The brain uses electromagnetic impulses to communicate between neurons. Clinicians will be able to make specific changes using stimulation that redirects communication patterns from obsessive thoughts to a more positive thought process. The brain of an eating disorder patient will change its focus from food and body image to non-destructive images. The neuronal connectors will eventually dissipate and be replaced by the new connectors. The negative messages that lead to poor body image and suggest the destructive behavior they have suffered with for years will cease.

This method of Eating Disorder Treatment lets the patient see the difference between the "voices" and positive focus. When they are able understand that their disorder is caused by a malfunctioning message system and is not permanent the change is startling. Those suffering with an eating disorder are offered real relief in a cure that allows them to change the way they think and change their life.

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Blogger Life Works said...

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April 7, 2009 at 8:02 AM


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