Stop Emotional Eating - 4 Destructive Thought Patterns and How to Beat Them
Emotional eating is the number one cause of failure to lose weight. Lifestyle change is the only way to permanent weight loss, and that includes changing destructive thought patterns. See if you can identify with any of these 4 scenarios.
All or Nothing Thinking
Example: You succumb to temptation and have a piece of birthday cake at an office party. Or you scarf down an entire pint of ice cream watching American Idol.
Destructive Thoughts: I've already blown it for today, so I'll just keep eating and start over again tomorrow.
Rethink: Everything you put in your mouth means more to make up for later, by either cutting calories or increasing exercise. Put the past behind you. Don't set artificial starting points like "after the holidays" or "after the weekend". Make every meal a chance to enjoy healthy food.
Taking Criticism Too Personally
Example: Someone made a slightly critical remark or statement you interpreted as unsupportive.
Destructive Thoughts: You feel totally devastated, like a complete failure, and question whether you can ever lose weight. Before you know it you've eaten an entire box of Oreos.
Rethink: If you are seriously bothered by off-hand remarks, you are likely being overly critical of yourself. Treat yourself with respect and what others say won't matter nearly as much. Maybe the other person was just having a bad day!
Escaping From Problems
Example: You make a mistake at work, or you are dreading studying for that big test or finishing a daunting project.
Destructive Thoughts: You decide to have a snack or go out for a burger to forget your mistake, or because you're procrastinating.
Rethink: Don't dwell on your mistakes. Everyone screws up every now and then. Instead, look at your setbacks as learning moments and resolve to do better next time. If you're putting off an unpleasant project, break it up into small chunks and check them off one at a time. Your big task becomes more manageable and you'll gain confidence as you complete each step.
Taking Care of Others' Problems
Example: A friend or loved one has a problem and you feel responsible or pressured to fix it.
Destructive Thoughts: You reach for a bag of chips or package of candy while you ponder what to do to help your friend or loved one.
Rethink: You can't fix everyone else's problems, and you shouldn't try to. Be supportive, but don't feel responsible. People need to learn from their mistakes. Ruining your own health by overeating won't make it easier for you to help them!
Makeover your thinking to beat emotional eating and succeed in permanent weight loss.
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