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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

What is a Sleep Eating Disorder?

A sleep eating disorder is a relatively rare condition related to sleeplessness. This condition is manifested in excessive sleep walking and eating nocturnally. These people are at risk to themselves because they indulge in overeating and may cause self-injury while sleepwalking. They are usually very distressed emotionally and may suffer from excessive daytime sleepiness. The result of this disorder is excess weight gain, choking while eating, disruption in sleep, injury while cooking food at night and the possibility of starting a fire. Moreover, they sometimes indulge in sleep walking which may potentially lead to accidents.

The people suffering from this sleep eating disorder are unconscious of their activities. They are often unable to recall what they did on the night before. The problem with this category of people is that they wake up at night to walk to the kitchen area and eat large amounts of food as well as non-food items. Since, they are unaware of what they are doing; they may harm themselves by eating risky food items. In addition, the food chosen by them is usually high in sugar and fat. In addition, many of them start preparing food using knives and hot cooking vessels and may injure themselves in the process.

Sleep eating disorder often runs in families. Though the actual percentage of people suffering from this problem is not known, it is usually estimated that about 1 to 3 percent of the population suffers from it. Stressful situations and anger could trigger such a bout, and it is often seen in young women due to the perceived pressures of everyday life. Normally, this condition is a physical sign of a deeper psychological problem. Dieting could be one of the major reasons behind it. Since, most dieters control their urge to eat during the day, they unconsciously overeat at night when their ability to control their senses is low.

Often, people suffering from sleep eating disorder have a history of substance abuse. They may also be emotionally distressed and attempting to lose weight by not eating well enough. However, the attempt at weight loss fails due to excessive eating at night and this may add to the frustration, further fueling the disorder. This condition is very complex and needs professional help. Many medical and psychological tests are carried out to investigate the issues. Proper diagnosis and treatment are compulsory to deal with this condition.

How To Stop Eating Disorders Permanently!

If you're suffering from eating disorders and want to know how to stop it permanently, then consider a master cleanse. Most eating disorders and food addictions occur because of 1 thing:

Eating foods with addictive substances such as sugar and salt. Overtime people become addicted to these ingredients as does their body.

It's very difficult to stop eating disorders. Most of the time people who try to stop eating a certain food they are addicted to or change their way of eating to stop eating disorders can't last for 1 week. And in most cases these things can take up to a month or more. HOWEVER, there is a way for you to get rid of eating disorders and food addictions in 10 days or less. This is through a master cleanse or as most people call it "The lemonade diet".

When people eat in a certain way or eat unhealthy foods that are addictive and cause eating disorders, their mind and body are both linked to this. In addition most unhealthy foods that cause eating disorders don't completely digest inside the body and remain there, decaying causing the body to want more of it!

A master cleanse completely gets rid of this, cleaning the body from the inside and flushing away all those addictive substances. This causes people to completely change their eating habits. Most of the time people's addictions to fast foods disappear as do their eating disorders.

The point of the master cleanse is that it gets rid of the problems which CAUSE eating disorders and food addictions. By cleaning the body from the inside and getting rid of the problem that causes these things in the first place, the body can restore it's health and this will immediately be felt by the person doing the master cleanse!

Eating Disorder - Types and Treatment Tips

Eating disorder is getting prevalent in the cities of today. We may call it as psychiatric disorder. It is caused mostly by no regular exercise, no control over consumption of food and eating junk foods containing high calories and cholesterol. Because of these habits people also suffer some serious problems like blood pressure, diabetes other than eating disorder.

Most of the people assume that eating disorders occurs in peoples with excessive weight only but the fact is average weight people can also face these types of problem. Depression can also lead to eating diseases; in fact it is the main cause of binge eating disorder.

Symptoms of Eating Disorders:

Eating disorders are prevalent in many types -

* Binge eating disorder
* Compulsive overeating
* Bulimia
* Anorexia nervosa
* Diabulmia
* Night eating syndrome
* Orthorexia nervosa
* Pica
* Rumination
* Starvation diet
* Anorexia

The most common are:

Binge eating disorder: - Can't stop to eat, eat without checking there profit and loss Because of this behavior people also suffer some serious problems like eating disorder.

* Eats until physically uncomfortable
* Periodically does not exercise to control over consumption of food
* Often eats alone during periods of normal eating, owing to feelings of embarrassment about food
* Eats an unusually large amount of food at one time -- more than a normal person would eat in the same amount of time.
* Eats much more quickly during binge episodes than during normal eating episodes
* Eats large amounts of food even when they are not really hungry
* Usually eats alone during binge eating episodes in order to avoid discovery of the disorder
* Feels disgusted, depressed, or guilty after binge eating

Compulsive overeating - Overeating or addiction of over eating is called compulsive overeating. People suffering from their abnormal eating, feels uncomfortable in society. Compulsive Overeater is at risk for a heart attack, high blood-pressure and cholesterol, kidney disease and/or failure, arthritis and bone deterioration, and stroke.

Bulimia :- Bulimia nervosa, known as bulimia, is an eating disorder and psychological condition in which the subject engages in recurrent binge eating followed by feelings of guilt, depression, and self-condemnation and intentional purging to compensate for the excessive eating, usually to prevent weight gain. Purging can take the form of vomiting, fasting, inappropriate use of laxatives, enemas, diuretics or other medication, or excessive physical exercise.

Night eating syndrome: - Night eating syndrome is an eating disorder this is an ongoing, persistent behavior, unlike the occasional late snack or skipped meal that most people have from time to time. In fact, people with this disorder are often unaware of their nocturnal meals, although some feel they won't be able to sleep without eating first.

Eating Disorder Prevention Tips

* Make your whole life better through food and eating
* Dieting is about losing some weight in a healthy way so how you feel on the outside will match how good you already feel inside.
* Convinced your self-esteem is hinged on what you weigh and how you look
* Attempt to control your weight a bit better
* Control your life and emotions through food/lack of food -- and are a huge neon sign saying "look how out of control I really feel"
* Everything gets going in life -- stress, coping, pain, anger, acceptance, validation, confusion, fear -- cleverly hidden behind phrases like "I'm just on a diet"