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Friday, June 25, 2010

Anorexia and Bulimia - What Are They? Who's at Risk? The Warning Signs?

Anorexia nervosa is sometimes known as the "starvation sickness." Preoccupied of food, weight, and thinness, individuals suffering from anorexia refuse their hunger and refuse to eat-even after severe fat loss.

As they consume too few calories for their basic needs, their bodies slowly waste away. By starving themselves, people with anorexia don't get the nutrients they require for regular bodily functions.

Bulimia nervosa is marked by binge consuming and purging (self-induced vomiting).

The person gorges, usually on high-calorie foods, and then intentionally vomits or uses laxatives or diuretics. A diuretic increases urine production. The consequences are severe: dehydration, organ damage, internal bleeding from the stress of vomiting, tooth decay from acids in vomit, and in some cases, death.

Many people with these consuming disorders alternate between anorexia and bulimia. Reports indicate that 60 % of individuals who have dieted extensively or starved themselves resort to bingeing, and then purging to maintain their fat off. When does an eating disorder begin? Generally it begins with an ordinary weight-loss diet, begun either just before or after a major life change or trauma.

Nevertheless, there's no clear understanding of the exact causes. We do know, nevertheless, that consuming disorders are more than food problems. The person's whole life- schoolwork or career, family life, day-to-day patterns, emotions, growth, overall health-gets wrapped up within the consuming issues.

Who's at Danger for Anorexia and Bulimia? Individuals of almost any age and either gender might develop an consuming disorder. However, some groups of individuals are much more at danger than others.

1. Females clearly are the most susceptible. Actually, approximately 95 percent of all people with
anorexia are women.
2. Adolescents are at particular danger. Estimates indicate that as numerous as one of every 250 teenage girls will develop at least some symptoms of anorexia.
3. Athletes for example dancers and gymnasts, who must control their fat, are susceptible.
4. Consuming disorders are being increasingly identified in males, as well as in adults and even in children
as young as eight, nine, and ten years old.

The warning signs:

Eating disorders create warning signs. If you or someone you know shows any combination of these
symptoms, be concerned! People with anorexia might:

1. Consume tiny portions, refuse to eat, and deny they are hungry.
2. Show abnormal fat loss-as much as 15 percent or more of body weight-or a big weight
loss in a short time.
3. Act hyperactive, depressed, moody, or insecure.
4. Have an intense fear of becoming fat.
5. See themselves as fat, wanting to lose much more weight, even when they are really thin.
6. Exercise excessively and compulsively.
7. Suffer from constipation or irregular menstrual periods.
8. Develop fine, downy hair on their arms and face.
9. Complain of nausea or bloating after eating normal amounts of foods.
10. Binge-eat, then purge, perhaps by vomiting or using laxatives or diuretics.

People with bulimia may:

1. Eat mainly in private.
2. Disappear after eating-often towards the bathroom.
3. Show great fluctuations in fat, and may be of regular weight or be overweight.
4. Feel out of manage when consuming.
5. Eat enormous meals but not gain weight.
6. Feel ashamed and depressed after gorging.
7. Have swollen parotid glands. The parotid glands, located near the ears, are one kind of salivary
8. Encounter irregular menstrual periods.
9. Binge-eat, then purge.
10. Abuse alcohol or drugs.
11. Become dependent on laxatives, diuretics, emetics, or diet pills to lose fat. Emetics such as
syrup of ipecac induce vomiting.
12. Develop dental difficulties caused by acid from vomiting. Acids eat away at tooth enamel.

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Overcome Binge Eating Disorder - Recognize the Signs of Overeating

Overeating, also known as binge disorder, often the leading cause of obesity, is one of the most common clinical disorders and a result of modern life. When people experience uncontrollable desire for eating, often called compulsive overeating because they cannot stop eating for reasons other than hunger. They will eat when they are happy, sad or simply bored. Often this urge of eating can strike at any moment.

Signs and Symptoms Of Overeating:

  • It is easy to recognize when a person overeats. The plate is stuffed with an unusual amount of food. He or she will eat a lot more and a lot faster.
  • In comparison to those who eat slowly, the stomach fills and a feeling of fullness kicks in before reaching for second helpings; not so for people inhaling their food.
  • Calories from fat or simple carbohydrates are not of immediate concern at the time.
  • People with binge-disorder diet frequently and lose weight successfully only to undo it again.. Perpetual dieting, a condition where people start and stop controlling their eating periodically, is often a problem.
  • When hiding food wrappers from family and friends.
  • Or order many different food items or large quantities from fast foods take out places.

Why We Overeat:

  • Some people eat large amounts of food because they may not cope or control a specific situation perhaps in their professional or personal life. Boredom can also trigger overeating, as well as grief and joy.
  • Studies show a close relation between depression and overeating. Although some scientists claim that depression may cause overeating, not all scientists agree. People with binge-disorder often link to a history of depression. So which one causes the other or whether they have a common cause is not certain.
  • Genetics may also play a role for people eating more then they need to.

How to Stop Overeating

Compulsive overeating is treatable with therapy and sometimes with medication. A program, like Kristin's, helps people to understand and overcome their overeating disorder. Yet, the first step a person must do to stop overeating is admitting the problem. See the journal entries of a binge eater...

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Battling Anorexia

So how would you define sexy? In the easiest term, sexy is being thin. You may agree with me or not but this is true. Nowadays, being fat is one of the dreaded conditions of women because it is believed to degrade one's aesthetic value. It is perceived that one has lesser chance of being married to her ideal guy if she is fat. If you are in teenage years, being fat is a big no-no for a prom queen or cheerleader. Post-partum women as well as working girls face daily stress that make them have lower self-esteem and be conscious of their images. These reasons probably gave birth to various weight loss procedures including self-starvation, different types of exercises and diet modifications.

One controversial issue is being anorexic that affects people regardless of age, social status and lifestyle. You can find the latest news regarding anorexia with celebrities, teens and even mothers. So what is anorexia in the first place? Anorexia or not wanting to eat anything will literally deprive the body of its essential energy source that is, food. Death is somewhat associated with this kind of psychological problem. An anorexic person can be distinguished by having virtually skin and bones as well as irritated behaviour and weakness. To be able to win this kind of battle, one must recognize that the obsessive compulsive behaviour paired with this eating disorder will just make a person lose her own happiness in deteriorating body condition.

The recovery is not easy but willpower and awareness are vital points. If you are suffering from anorexia, you can opt for psychotherapy with professional help. This way, you can regain your self-esteem and fight the main cause of the problem. If you are a mother, get motivated in rearing a child in lactation as it will push you to be healthier. You can also consult a nutritionist to modify your diet as to gradually achieve a better weight. Lastly, surround yourself with trusted friends and family that will join you as you fight everyday for a better life.

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What Most People Don't Know About Choosing the Food That Burns Fat

When you're set on losing weight, you don't have to starve yourself. You just have to know the food that burns fat, and remove the food that puts it on. You'd be surprised at what actually burns fat and what actually doesn't.

Animal Protein is the Best Food for Burning Fat

Despite much of the negative hype, animal protein is the best food for burning fat. The problem of it is, for the most part, that the things added to it by mass-production is what shoots you in the foot. Don't think that you can get the right kind of meat at McDonald's or most supermarkets.

The right kind of animal protein is organic, wild or free range. These meat sources aren't tampered with by growth hormones, antibiotics or grain diets. It is meat as it was intended to be eaten.

So, what's the Big Deal about Organic Meat?

The problems that you avoid by eating organic meat mostly apply to weight loss and digestibility. Grain-fed and sedentary meat has a higher fat content that also includes more carbohydrates. Additionally, you would be consuming growth hormones along with the meat, which are geared toward making a LARGE animal LARGER, as well as producing more milk.

The growth hormones are given at levels that make these several hundred pound animals sick. These animals are then pumped full of antibiotics to combat the sickness. Unfortunately for you, the antibiotics make it harder for you to digest the meat, which causes other health problems for you.

Don't Think Milk Protein is a Good Source

A common myth in the dietary industry is that milk protein is a valid source of protein. Not if you're trying to lose weight. Milk has high levels of lactose-a sugar. In other words, it has a lot of carbs. Think of it this way, milk was created to make a large animal gain weight. What will that do for you?

Vegan Options for Avoiding Meat

There are, of course, vegan options for protein sources, but you have to shop intelligently. Soy is a staple in most vegan diets, and this DEFINITELY has to be cut out. Soy has carbohydrates, simply put. Additionally, it lowers testosterone levels and increases estrogen levels.

While this may not sound like a big deal, especially if you're female, think of this. Estrogen is why women have a harder time losing fat than men. Estrogen keeps weight on, and testosterone burns fat. Both sexes have both hormones, and if weight loss is your goal, guess which one you'll want more of?

If you're a lady and afraid that you'll start growing facial hair and getting a deep voice, don't worry. Dietary changes won't make that drastic of a swing in your hormone levels. Only conditions such as PCOS or steroid use will do that.

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Bulimia Treatment and Recovery

The increase in the prevalence of eating disorders in the past decade is a cause for concern and as a society we must take notice and work to change our attitudes about body and health. These disorders develop more commonly in young adults as they struggle to form self identity and body acceptance. There are several types of eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, compulsive eating, and binge eating.

Early Diagnosis Helps Quicker and More Effective Recovery

All eating disorders need adequate treatment. Bulimia needs to be treated after detections and diagnosis as the disorder can have serious health implications and can even reach life-threatening proportions. Diagnosis often takes time as the affected person does not acknowledge the disorder willingly. A person affected by bulimia is caught up in a vicious cycle of binging followed by purging. This is often done in secret, and because their may be no change in body weight or size, it can be difficult to diagnose. Bulimia treatment and recovery is possible if treated comprehensively after diagnosis. The treatment is carried out in specialized centers and can be outpatient, day or residential depending on the severity of the disorder.

Treatment centers should provide a safe and comforting environment where the person participates in various therapy sessions and modalities of therapy. These therapies are both individual and group. The affected person is treated physically as well as psychologically. It is very important to normalize the body weight with regulate food intake and exercise. It is equally important to find out the underlying causes which led to the disorder in the first place. These emotional reasons are to be handled with delicacy and treated accordingly.

Experienced Caregivers Ensure the Best Bulimia Treatment

The patient is encouraged to interact with similarly affected people in the treatment center and is also encouraged to help others with eating disorders. Therapy is focused on developing a sense of self separate from the eating disorder identity and distortions. The family is also involved in the treatment and asked to provide maximum support to the person. Regular follow up sessions are scheduled to prevent relapse.

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