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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Anorexia Symptoms

Yes we are talking about the obsession of many models, rather a phobia of becoming overweight. This sate of mind can well be a sign of being anorexic. Many famous celebrities like Carla Bruni and Keira Knightley have often faced the allegation of being anorexic. It has been clinically proved that women are more prone to this disorder. Now how do you know that you are suffering by Anorixia nervosa. Here are certain definitive indications or symptoms you can look for:

1. Extreme Loss, BMI less than 17.5 in adults.
2. Endocrine disorders resulting strange mood swings.
3. Starvation symptoms
4. Abnormalities in the electrolyte balance of the body
5. Constipation, frequent headaches
6. Reduced count of WBC
7. Dry skin, brittle nails, growth of lanugo hair over the body
8. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), low self esteem

If these are the symptoms than you may surely be an anorexic, which can be because of genetic factors, neurological disorders, and even eating habits. If the Zinc intake in your diet, is very less then you can easily be targeted by this disease. The other reason may be the excessive secretion of serotonin which may result anxiety and other nervous imbalances. Even the social surroundings can be a cause especially in the case of actors and their families, the siblings or the offspring may always want to stay fitter and slimmer, causing them this disease.

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How to Overcome Binge Eating in Your Own Home

Binge eating can occur for many different reasons. For some people it may be stress and tension, dramatic events in their lives or family problems. Depression is also a common cause of the binge eating disorder. Another reason that is generally over looked can be the result of rapid weight loss or yo-yo dieting. Let's take a brief look at the ways you can over come binge eating in your own home.

The best way you can over come the eating disorder is to get yourself a diary and record the time you eat along with reason for eating. It is also advisable to record what you have eaten and the amount. From this point you may be able to pin point the major contributing factor to this type of eating. For some it can be money troubles that spark the desire to eat. Remember that eating becomes a good comforter when we are not feeling 100%. It can be your best friend in times of need. You should also consider a low to moderate exercise plan as this is one of the best ways to relieve stress in your life. It will also promote more energy and you will be able to burn some of those excess calories caused from over eating.

If you contact your local doctor or a eating disorder support group, they will be able to put you in contact with a professional who can offer you long term and on-going support. They may have suggestions and advice that you can use to over come binge eating. Your problem maybe more series in that you might be effected by a chemical imbalance. More than likely you will find that your brain is not registering that you are full or that you are even hungry to begin with. This is where a medical professional will be at your advantage. Once you have your eating disorder under control you can then review your eating habits to follow a well balanced eating plan.

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Is Emotional Eating Disorder New?

Over the last few years it has become more pronounced that eating disorders are on the rise. Several years ago words like anorexia, bulimia and obesity were spoken of yet not understood. Today eating disorders have expanded to include the following: anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, dia-bulimic, compulsive eating disorder, binge eating, orthorexia, food addiction, female athlete triad and so on. As society has evolved so have eating disorders.

With obesity on the rise with school aged children and making individuals aware it has caused a double edged sword. Young people are developing eating disorders rapidly. The idea that emotional eating is different from other eating disorders is ridiculous. Individuals find relief and comfort just as an anorexic restricts food and bulimics binge then purge they all are seeking relief. Avoiding the underlying issues is what cause the cycle to continue.

People go to unbelievable lengths to avoid having to feel what they do not want to feel. How can an individual differentiate healthy eating behaviors from unhealthy behaviors? This is a loaded question with too many variables. Each person has a reason for why they do what they do; the common denominator is to avoid having to deal with a specific situation. Taking an eating disorder quiz is one way to see if he or she identifies, also contacting an eating disorder therapist for an assessment is another.

Individuals who have an eating disorder can get help. Some individuals find that in-patient eating disorder treatment program is necessary in order to get out of the cycle of addiction. Only the person whom has the eating disorder can make the decision to get help and move past this cycle of addiction to a better life.

Joanna works for the Women's Behavioral Program. She has overcome adversities and shares her hope with anyone she comes in contact with. Joanna is a known published author in the Bariatric and Weight Loss Community, she has spent the last 13 years helping to inspire and motivate people on the value of the body, mind and spirit connection.

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The Side Effects of Bulimia - Learn to Recognise Them Before It's Too Late

There are a number of different short and long term side effects of bulimia that people suffering with this eating disorder will have to contend with. By knowing what these are actually dealing with them becomes a lot easier.

In this article we take a quick look at some of the physical side effects of bulimia that sufferers of this particular eating disorder are faced with.

1. Gastro Intestinal Problems - Bulimia sufferers will suffer from pains to the stomach and esophageal areas of the body. The reason for this is that they will be constantly bringing up food and so acid is allowed to move through these areas resulting in burns to these areas of the body.

2. Dental Problems - Over time because the teeth are regularly coming into contact with stomach acid they begin to decay. In many cases people who have suffered from this particular eating disorder will find that many teeth will need to be replaced at a later stage.

3. Kidney Problems - Over time the levels of electrolytes that should be in the body are greatly reduced as many are being eliminated because of the constant vomiting. Even drinking large amounts of water won't help to bring the balance of electrolytes in one's body back to levels that are essential to help organs such as the kidneys to function properly.

4. Damage To Skin and Bones - Again this is a side effect all too common in bulimia sufferers especially those who have suffered from this particular eating disorder for some considerable time. The reason for this is the constant vomiting results in the body not receiving the right levels of nutrients, minerals and vitamins it needs in order to function properly.

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