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Saturday, August 23, 2008

5 Tips to Prevent a Binge

Here are five tips that I have received from people who are struggling with binge eating disorder. When I was binging I used some of these exact tips. The tricks really helped to curb a binge or two. Try them out ad let me know how they work out for you.
1. Become a vegan.
I've heard this from a handful of people. Although it's not the norm to binge on meat, there are people that can't get enough of Buffalo wings, roast, steak, chicken, and any other kind of meat. Making the decision to cut out meat has really worked wonders for them. (Believe me, I realize that this tip is extreme, but hey, if it's helped others, it's my duty to pass it on!)
2. Drinking a cup of coffee to kill a binge.
Many people feel like when 3pm rolls around, they are ready for a binge. It's called a "time trigger". Again, a handful of you have said that coffee has really helped with preventing a binge. If you feel like you binge around a certain time, try grabbing a cup of coffee (or tea) and see if it works for you!
3. Finding a distraction.
Find something that will distract you from binging. It can be absolutely anything: going outside for a walk, talking to a friend on the phone, yoga, playing with your dog, organizing your junk drawer in the kitchen, etc. Distractions work because they disrupt the binge eating habit... and anything that breaks the binging habit is good.
4. Put together a photo album.
Pick a few pictures out of when you felt the best about yourself. Make a rule that each time you want to binge, you have to look through the whole album, picture-by-picture. Surely looking at yourself at your best might help prevent food from going into your mouth. It helped a few people realize that giving into the binge would just put them one step further from looking their best again and it also would make them feel awful for giving in. Personally, I think that beating a binge this way will help you to feel stronger than you have previously. It shows you that you can beat a binge and that is powerful!
5. Brush your teeth.
Have you ever noticed that nothing (food or drink) tastes as good right after you brush your teeth? Next time you have the desire to binge eat, brush your teeth. At the very least, you'll have the cleanest and brightest smile out there!
I hope you found some, if not all, of these tips helpful! Good luck with beating binge eating disorder and just remember that you can beat this!


The Truth About Anorexia Symptoms

Anorexia symptoms are hard to see because the afflicted try to hide them as much as they possibly can. When they are caught they will try to explain their way out of it. Often they will do a good job of it, too. Eventually the signs will be too hard to hide. Their condition, at this point, will be so unmanageable that their bodies will exhibit clear evidence of their condition.
The most common anorexia symptoms can be seen in behavior and eating habits. One particular telltale habit is when a person goes on a restrictive diet even when the person is already thin. Such a diet would often ban fat and carbohydrates.
Another sign is when the person carries around a food diary or is obsessed with keeping track of their food intake. Patients will keep on counting their calories obsessively. It would even go to the point of weighing the portions that he or she eats.
Another thing to watch out for is when a person has strange rituals when it comes to his or her eating. They would be eating in ritualistic ways like obsessing about the cuts of the meat portions. In most cases the person would be very secretive about these rituals. They would even refuse to eat in public places or usually eat alone.
Another anorexia symptom is when a person lies or pretends that they have already eaten. They would even throw away food just to avoid eating. They will often have excuses like "I'm not feeling too good" or "I've had a big breakfast".
Sometimes an anorexic would hide their behavior too well that the disease will just be evident in the person's body and her body image. Often you would hear the person complain about how fat he or she is.
In some cases, an anorexic would obsess over their body. Tiny fluctuations of their weight bother them a great deal. They are overly critical of their appearance. They would constantly be looking in mirrors and pointing at flaws.
The rapid weight loss would be evident in their body. There would be no medical cause but the drop in their weight would be drastic. They would try to deny being too thin and try to hide it by wearing baggy clothes and try to hide their weight in physicals by drinking a lot of water.
In some cases, anorexics use purging to reduce their body weight and limit their calorie intake. Take notice of their use of water pills and herbal appetite pills to suppress heir hunger. They would also use laxatives to pass food a lot faster. They will also use ipecac syrup to induce vomiting.
Exercise can also be an anorexia symptom where they exhibit and follow a strict exercise regimen. They would often work hard after eating something bad like fat or hi-calorie foods. Nothing can interrupt this strict regimen. They would even workout despite injuries or bad weather.


Troubling Eating Habits - Disorders?

A new study says that 6 out of 10 American women are "disordered eaters." They have unhealthy obsessions with food, their body and eating behaviors. This isn't just the teens and twenties population this includes women in their 30's and 40's of all ethnic backgrounds.
Many women including myself at times do not have a healthy relationship with food or their body. Many women spend half their time thinking about food and meal planning. Some restrict themselves to the same foods everyday. Then there are some that weigh themselves every morning and their mood is determined by what the scale says. I know when the scale goes up I automatically think I need to get some additional exercise in today.
Sound familiar? It should: According to a survey sixty-five percent of American women who responded are disordered eaters. Eating habits that women think are normal such as eliminating carbs, skipping meals and, in some cases, even dieting itself may actually be symptoms of the syndrome. Although disordered eating doesn't have the lethal potential of anorexia or bulimia, it can really cause havoc in your emotional and physical health
According to the survey which gathered responses from 4,000 women ages 25 to 45 to a detailed questionnaire about their eating habits and found that most disordered eaters fall into one or more of six categories. Calorie prisoners are terrified of gaining weight, tend to see food as good or bad and feel extremely guilty if they indulge in something that's off-limits. Secret eaters binge on food at home or wherever they won't be found out. Career dieters may not know what to eat without a plan to follow; despite their efforts, they're more likely than other types to be overweight or obese. Purgers are obsessed with ridding their body of unwanted calories by using laxatives, diuretics or occasional vomiting. Food addicts eat to make themselves feel better - soothe stress, deal with anger, even celebrate a happy event; they constantly think about food. Extreme exercisers work out despite injury or exhaustion and solely for weight loss; they are overwhelmed if they miss a time to workout. Many disordered eaters piece together a mix of destructive habits such as a calorie prisoner and an exercise addict. Others may shift between categories over the years, going from restricting to bingeing to purging, for instance.
This survey was a real eye opener to me. As a society, we don't see the problem of disordered eaters. A few eat nutritiously and exercise moderately. The rest turn to unsafe tricks. The result is failure; severe measures don't work. So how can we get healthier? We need to go about change. First stop restricting your diet and embrace a healthy lifestyle. Bring in more healthy foods. Try to eat more often by including snacks in your day. Always start your day with a healthy well balanced breakfast. Studies show the people who eat breakfast maintain a healthier body than those who choose to skip it. Make steps to separate mood from food which is probably the most challenging. Listen to your stomach - eat when you're hungry. Lastly do it for the girls in your life so we can have a healthier future for them.

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What You Must Know About Anorexia People

Anorexia people exhibit certain traits that manifest in different ways. Some of these traits include distrust of themselves or other people, overly critical thinking or being a perfectionist and having low or no self awareness.

If these traits are present, the risk of developing anorexia doubles. When a patient with these distinct traits live in communities that are critical about a person's appearance, specifically about a person's body, the pressure doubles and leaves them vulnerable to anorexia.

If you know any person that exhibits three or more of these traits, one should try to get them help. They should be very careful when going through a strict diet program. The risk is that they might transform the diet and eventually have an unhealthy view of themselves. They would look at the diet as a means to increase their self esteem. To them, they see controlling their weight as an easier option than controlling other aspects of life. As the illness progresses, it becomes increasingly hard to control both as they spiral further and further into despair.

Anorexia people would lower and lower their food intake until finally they would stop eating altogether. Eventually the body would respond by eating into their muscles for calories. Although it started as something to keep themselves healthy it would eventually change into something unhealthy.

The afflicted would be obsessed with their weight. They would starve; purge themselves to maintain their weight at a low level. Thin is not enough; they always have to be thinner.

The afflicted would often look at themselves in a mirror and see a fat person. In truth their bodies would be ravaged by all the weight loss it has been through. Their skin would be hanging off their bones but all they would see is fat. Their obsession about losing their weight would continue up to the point that they get hospitalized or worse.

Sufferers can be classified into two categories. They could be the type that restricts their food intake. In this category, anorexia people will limit the calories in their diet. They will stay away from food that can be fattening. They will also accompany this extreme dieting with excessive exercise and fasting.

Another category is the purging type. These people would resort to vomiting and use of laxatives and diuretics to remove the calories that they have consumed. They would also go through fasting and other radical means to maintain and reduce their weight.

Such people can be anyone. In most cases they, are adolescent girls between the ages of 13 and 20, but it is not too uncommon to see this condition in men and children.

It is also hard to tell an anorexic because they make a conscious effort to hide their condition. Most of them are ashamed of what they are doing and will go to great lengths just so they don't get discovered. You will only notice them when it has gone overboard. At this point, the condition can lead to death.

This condition is very serious and could be fatal. Fortunately there is still hope. It is important that people that have anorexia seek proper treatment. The condition can be controlled with proper support but it is important to catch the symptoms early.


What You Must Know About Anorexia Causes

Unlike other diseases where the main cause is identified, anorexia causes could be perplexing. To arrest this eating disorder, one should have an understanding of the anorexia symptoms.

In our present society, it is fashionable and in to be thin. This standard of beauty is further motivated by media hype. Women are constantly exposed to advertisements of diet pills, of cosmetic surgery centers where body enhancement procedures are ordinary occurrences. One of the major anorexia causes is cultural pressure. Women who are inordinately dissatisfied with their bodies often start excessive dieting.

Anorexia can be the result of a medical condition. This eating disorder may also be the side effect of a medication. Kidney failure, diabetes, and liver disease could result. Fortunately, once the illness is treated, the anorexia symptoms will be eliminated too.

Depression, stress and anxiety could cause a person to stay away from food. Psychological anorexia symptoms are more difficult to treat. Anorexia causes people to have a notion that they are fat even though the bones in their body are sticking out and they have an emaciated appearance. In some instances the family's lifestyle can contribute. Parents' over protectiveness may suffocate the child, causing him/her to rebel and to refuse to eat as a sign of independence.

People who have suffered from physical and sexual abuse are most likely to be afflicted with anorexia nervosa. These people would starve to death to avoid the sexual demands of the abuser. The same thing is true with physical abuse. Anorexics have this notion that self starvation is the only way by which they can avoid physical abuse.

Whatever the anorexia causes may be, it should be understood that anorexia is a serious eating disorder. Anorexia people may inadvertently cause severe damage to their own vital organs by self starvation. So if you see a family member, a loved one or a friend with a compulsive desire to lose weight to the point that she/he is no longer eating proper meals, if you see that he/she is using large baggy clothes to hide an emaciated body, if you notice that she/he is exhibiting drastic mood swings...this person has anorexia symptoms. Act at once for your help is urgently needed!


Anorexia-Bulimia Is Not About Food - Well, What Is It All About?

Many people just associate anorexia-bulimia with food and/or dieting. But this is not the case. An eating disorder is not just about food and dieting.

Eating problems are just only a symptom of anorexia-bulimia. In the big picture eating disorders are a disorder of feelings and emotions. For sufferers food abuse helps them to respond to their feelings, thus allowing the individual to avoid, postpone, forget, deny, or otherwise anesthetize their feelings.

For the anorexic or bulimic person, keeping a safe emotional distance precludes the risk that others will discover her/his real self and hurt them.

Secondly, an eating disorder is a disorder of control. A sufferer perceives that she/he can't control anything in their life except for their food intake and their weight. They perceive that controlling their weight and food intake will enable them to keep their uncontrollable life in balance.

Thirdly, an eating disorder is a disorder of thinking. Anorexics-bulimics are thinking in a distorted way about themselves, the world, and their place in it. They believe that gaining even 1 kilo invariably leads to gaining 10 to 20 kilos. Their misconception about how they look is called body image distortion or "broken eye syndrome".

Fourthly, an eating disorder is a disorder of coping. For sufferers, their eating disorder is a way they cope with everyday stress: with their school, homework and pressure from their friends.

Fifthly, an eating disorder is a disorder of identity. For many sufferers their eating disorder becomes a substitute for their identity. Some of them even describe that being without their disease is as unthinkable for them as being without air to breathe.

Sixthly, an eating disorder is a disorder of values and lifestyle. For many bulimics spending time with themselves and binging is much more important than going out, seeing friends and socializing.

The eating disorders become their lifestyle, their entertainment and total interest in life.

Seventhly, an eating disorder is a disorder of relationship. Some people even say about their eating disorders something like: "My best friend is always there for me." This is about their eating disorders, they perceive it like their "best friend", unlike these hurtful and rejecting people in real life.

And finally, an eating disorder is a disorder of behavior. The extreme unbending and compulsive nature of unbalanced eating behaviors is the main feature of the disease.

For most sufferers they simply do not know how to stop, if they eliminated one meal, they want to eliminate two; if they lose some weight they want to lose more and more and it becomes a vicious cycle.

It also gives them a form of control they don't normally have in the real world. So the wish to stop has to become greater that the wish to stay where they are, but unfortunately by the time they reach this point they have done a lot of damage to themselves.

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