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Monday, November 17, 2008

Eating Disorders Under Stress

Do your cravings come under pressure? Feel like binging when feeling stressful? These are common responses apart from smoking and drinking, from under-stress individuals but the results of these stress relief approach are equally damaging to your lifestyle. Stress under the circumstances could refer to sadness or loneliness, depressed or angry over someone or something.
"Why?" you may ask. It is obvious that when you start turning to binging and munching as 'antidote' to your problems, it will slowly and without realizing turn into a habit - just like smoking or drinking. The worse effect of eating disorders is not just putting on weight. Instead it could jeopardize your diet by changing your appetite. Nausea and tiredness will follow and result in worsening your health condition apart from the mental problems you might already be facing.
To solve this problem, the first step is to determine the root. What is the actual cause of your sudden desire to binge and munch? Was it the recent relationship break up? Was it a recent fight with your loved ones or loss of something you find dear? Sometimes a sudden big appetite or craving could be due to certain health problems. Look into this aspect as well.
By solving the initial problems, it will correct and put your state of mind right. This is the biggest step and most of times upon resolving the issue, the eating disorder is put away for good.
If this doesn't help, it is also important to know that certain foods are addictive such as chocolates and candies. And I mean as addictive as nicotine and alcohol. Chocolate triggers the body to release endorphin hormone that puts our state of mind into a 'happy mood'. This makes you 'think' that it makes you feel better. Well they don't, your problems make you feel worse. Solve it and you will feel better.
'I have eating disorders but I'm not feeling sad or angry or stressful, in fact, I'm feeling emotionally fine.'
For this case of eating disorders, food plays a part as a distraction. Eating becomes nothing more than just something to do. I'm a smoker and sometimes I chain smoke. However, I don't usually chain smoke because I'm having a bad day or a bad week. I do it because I want to do something with my hands, therefore I chain smoke.
'How do I overcome any of the types of eating disorders mentioned above?'
First of all, it is best to know that sometimes you can keep the 'binging and munching' habit. Just do it in a healthier way. Use your imagination. When smokers try to quit and fail, they can turn to nicotine gums or nicotine patches to satisfy their nicotine desires. The same can be applied to eating disorders. If you absolutely have to munch, due to stress that continues with your routine such as work, choose right food to binge on. The right types of nuts, fruits and grains alike are recommended by various nutritionists. If you eat a lot, exercise harder!

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Live Life to the Fullest Even With a Binge Eating Disorder

"I don't want to get to the end of my life and find that I have just lived the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well." - Diane Ackerman
I know this has happened to all of us at one time in our life or another. You are face-to-face with something that you've always wanted to do, stop binge eating disorder, but something stops you. Instead of accepting something that's always appealed to you, the words "no thank you" come out of your mouth. Instead of asking for something you want, you find yourself too afraid to even ask.
For as long as I can remember, I've always wanted to help people. I was never sure how I would do that, but I knew that it was something that I was extremely passionate about. I want to make a difference in people's lives. In college, I thought about being a teacher, but then I wasn't sure that I was passionate about it enough. I switched to marketing, but then didn't think that I would get much out of doing that. I was lost as to how to achieve my dream of helping people. I would wrack my brain over and over to try to see what things I was good at so I could help someone. Nothing came to mind. It was frustrating.
Once I told my husband about my binge eating disorder and after I was in therapy, I just knew that I was supposed to help people with binge eating disorder. I just had a good feeling about it. The good feeling lasted about as long as it could until I started thinking that I would have to share my struggles with binge eating disorder with strangers and people that already knew me. I started to take a step back because I didn't want to make myself that vulnerable. I knew that I could help people, but something inside blocked me from doing anything about it for some time.
My mind would race about all of the things that I could do to benefit others with sharing my story. But then I would argue with myself saying "No one will care. I'm just a nobody. What will people think?" But then I remembered searching on the Internet for other success stories from people who had overcome binge eating disorder and finding nothing. "Just try it and see what happens. What have you got to lose?"
Finally without thinking too much about it, I started writing down everything that I could about my experience with binge eating disorder. I looked over my entire journal writings and realized that I had a lot of good information to share. I stopped thinking and worrying about putting myself out there, and realized that if I was going to help someone - this was just what I needed to do. I spent many days in my office just writing my binge eating disorder eBook, and not focusing any amount of energy on worrying about it.
If I wouldn't have challenged myself to keep moving forward, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to develop great relationship with many of you. I wouldn't have had the chance to read the emails that bring tears to my eyes. I wouldn't have had the chance to be doing what I absolutely love. You know many people hate their jobs. They do not like getting up and going to work everyday. I'm so thankful that I listened to that voice in my head that kept on pushing me to do this because I wake up every morning and can't wait to check my email and work on all of the great things that I have planned. I feel truly blessed to be doing what I'm doing.
When you do the things that you've always wanted to do, you expand your comfort zone, discover something new about yourself, and have a lot of fun doing it. The next time you have the chance to do something, don't wait so long. Do the uncomfortable by going through with it and saying "yes"! You do have the power to change your relationship with food and stop binge eating disorder from progressing anymore!

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